Software Dev II


python & Machine learning

Students will learn the fundamentals of Python and Machine Learning. In particular, students will begin learning with Python libraries of NumPy, PyTorch, TensorFlow, and Pandas. Machine Learning is a key foundation of A.I (Artificial Intelligence). 


Summer Sessions Start July 9th- August 18th

This class will be in Mott Haven and will run Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 9:30-11:30am. This course starts July 9th and goes until August 18th.


Course Offerings

Bronx (Mott Haven) – Summer | Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays

6 week course

Begins July 9, 2024 through August 18, 2024

 9:30 – 11:30 am

*Limited spots will be available for each program. Students may only be considered if they apply and may be required to provide additional information and/or interview. Web Basics & Software Dev I is required to enroll in this course. If interested in this course email


Course Objectives & Outcomes React.js


Fundamental Typing

Create HTTP methods that call the server-side to create, read, update and delete data.


Dynamic Website Creation

Understand the new JavaScript features that include: classes, modules, and arrow functions


User input

Create and validate data that is inputted in a form by the user


Website planning

Carry out full software development lifecycle (planning requirements,  test and deployemnt).


Course Objectives & Outcomes Node.js


Understanding Coding Architecture

Learn Node.js and Express architecture and how to scale with asynchronous code


Data Interface

Interface to a PostgreSQL database


Security Management

Learn basics of security and password management


Learn Back-End Coding

Run HTTP requests using back-end tools such as Postman

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